Internetwork Engineering
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Internetwork Engineering
July 11th, 2017
Just as the frenzy around Wannacry started to fade, another global ransomware attack was ready to stand in its place. Welcome, Nyetya.
Internetwork Engineering
June 15th, 2017
Our partners at Tenable Security put together a great blog post, “Money, Hackers and Spies: Quick Bytes from Verizon’s 2017 DBIR Report,” that shared some highlights and stats from the 2017 Verizon DBIR report, so we created this handy infographic for quick reference.
Internetwork Engineering
May 19th, 2017
The Internetwork Engineering (IE) Security Team, along with IE security partners, has been tracking and researching the massive ransomware outbreak now known as WannaCryptor 2.0, or WannaCry, since its discovery on May 12, 2017 by an independent security researcher. According to Multiple Open Source Intel (OSINT) reports, the ransomware campaign has affected tens of thousands of systems in as many as 99 countries, including: the United States, United Kingdom, Spain, Russia, Taiwan, France, and Japan, as it can run in as many as 27 different languages. Here's what you need to know about WannaCry ransomware and what you can do about it.
Cybersecurity | Mobility & WiFi
Derrick Whisel
April 26th, 2017
Twinkle, Twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like an Access Point providing Wi-Fi!
Data Center | Collaboration | Cybersecurity
Internetwork Engineering
February 23rd, 2017
Part One Of a Five-Part Series One thing that seems constant regardless of the organization is the struggle to reconcile the relationship between vendors and the business. Every theory and strategy out there. Some want a different vendor for each architecture: the different eggs in different baskets theory. Some take every purchase as a challenge to get an ever-cheaper price: the pit them against each other theory. While others go with my personal favorite, “I like to spread it around:” the I want everyone to like me and get an equal cut of my budget theory.
Derrick Whisel
February 13th, 2017
We are quickly entering a time in which the laws and regulations are outpaced by the exponential growth of technology. Who will be held accountable when an IMD (Implantable Medical Device) -- such as an ICD (Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators) -- with Wi-Fi connectivity receives an erroneous data transmission from a spoofed doctor’s account changing the patient's normal heart rhythm for an abnormal one?