Internetwork Engineering
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Internetwork Engineering
December 11th, 2015
Please Note: This is the fourth article in a series. To start from the beginning, please click here. It seems as if you can’t go a day without reading a blog or news headline mentioning the loss of sensitive corporate data due to hackers successfully carrying out advanced persistent threat (APT) attacks. Are APT attacks really that frequent and how concerned should you be about them? In order to answer these questions, we must understand what an APT attack looks like and how it differs from other attacks.
Internetwork Engineering
December 1st, 2015
Please Note: This is the third article in a series. To start from the beginning, please click here. Information security is a challenge: continuously changing threat vectors, compliance requirements, budget constraints, and reduced staffing all add to an already complex situation. If you are struggling with how to address these concerns, a risk assessment might be a great place to start. Here's 10 benefits you can expect from conducting a risk assessment:
Internetwork Engineering
November 24th, 2015
Please Note: This is the second article in a series. To view the first of the series, please click here. Your employees are your first line of defense in protecting your network’s security. As seen on USA’s show Mr. Robot, all it can take is one USB found in the company parking lot to peek interest as to the contents, maybe in hopes of identifying the owner, for a hacker to gain access to your network through that employee’s computer. Without the proper education, awareness, and engagement, employees are not equipped to make decisions that continue to protect your network, let alone understand how they may be making the network more vulnerable.
Internetwork Engineering
November 18th, 2015
Your network is attractive to hackers, it's important to know why and what they're looking for. Please Note: This is the first article in a series. Nowadays the questions isn’t if you’re going to get attacked, but when and how frequently. It’s a reality that everyone has come to accept but for some reason we still think, in the back of our minds, that it won’t happen to us. (We’ll deny it if you ask.) For you to truly accept that hackers are out there to get you, like monsters under your bed, you have to understand why they are there in the first place. Then you’ll no longer see them as invisible threats but rather ones that are knocking on the doors of your network, trying to see if anyone is home or maybe left the door unlocked.